Hybrid Working Display Screen Equipment Assessments

With the advent of hybrid working, where employees routinely split their time between their workplace and home, it is crucial for organisations to prioritise the health and safety of their staff. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently updated its guidelines, reinforcing the need for risk assessments in such scenarios. Our Hybrid Working Display Screen Equipment Assessments can provide your business with the relevant information to ensure your organisation is up to date with the guidelines.

Online Assessments for Flexible Working

To assist businesses in adhering to these regulations and maintaining a safe working environment, we are thrilled to announce our newly upgraded Hybrid Working online assessment.

As responsible employers, it is vital to keep up with the latest health and safety guidelines. The HSE has emphasised the importance of conducting risk assessments for staff engaged in hybrid working, where their time is divided between the workplace and home. Our company is committed to helping you navigate these changing requirements seamlessly.

Multiple Workspaces, Combined Assessment

Our online "Hybrid Working" assessment simplifies the process for computer users by combining self-assessments of both their office and home workstations into a single evaluation.

  • Importance of Good Posture trainin
  • Office DSE Assessment
  • Homeworking Environment Assessment
  • Homeworking DSE Assessment
  • Onsite and virtual follow up assessments available
  • Working with Portable Devices


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